Secret Santa gift ideas for your colleagues for under £10

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It's the most wonderful time of the year! It can also be a very difficult time of the year when it comes to buying presents for your office secret Santa. Hopefully this list will gives you a few ideas on what to give your colleagues.

1.) For the house ... Flip Flop Shirt Folder

Flip shirt folder

Sheldon Cooper (from the hit TV show The Big Bang Theory) is a genius, and not because of his knowledge of physics. Cooper's genius lies in his ability to fold his t-shirts into a clean little pile by buying a gadget that's been of use in retail and launderettes for years.

Experts in the field (fold?) may already know some of the tricks of the trade when it comes to shirt folding, but there's something quaint about having the fold creases already measured for you. Immediate shopping results may display Flip-Folders as something quite pricey, but it is rather easy to find one for under a tenner, or by going for a different brand.

Buy For: him and her

2) For the game board geek ... Classic Chinese game Go

The Chinese game Go

What Christmas would be complete without a round of board games with the family? OK, so this chess-like game is only played by two people, therefore maybe not best for multi-player mayhem but board games are generally expensive. Go boards on the other hand, are both relatively cheap and an elegant strategy game.

For those who are able to spend a little more and looking for a great alternative to Monopoly, try Puerto Rico, a game which also requires strategic thought and economic management, but less open to winning via random chance (and fewer arguments too).

Buy For: him, her, the family, those looking to broaden their horizons

3) For the chocolate lover ... A box from the Waitrose Seriously Chocolatey Range

Waitrose lemon truffles

Pretty much all the boxes of chocolate in this range can be found for under £10, and for the quality, this is a bargain. The dark chocolate and lemon truffles are sweet but well-balanced, and the milk chocolate truffles will go down a treat for anyone who likes a bit of indulgence.

Buy For: her, especially if she's your office crush.

4) For the fan of fine drinking … Glenfiddich Mini Mix Set

Glenfiddich Mini Mix Set

This set can often be found on sale for a tenner, and the whiskey you get is excellent with a long-lasting flavour. The 15-year-old is the favourite of many but give the drinker a chance to discover their favourite for themselves. Perfect for curling up on the couch and watching late-night Christmas movies.

Buy For: him or her

5) For the person with chapped lips … Owl Lip Balm Duo – Strawberry & Choccy

Owl Lip Balm Duo – Strawberry & Choccy

A present where the cute and sweet scale goes off the charts. The balm also has a lovely smell, but you may just well decide to keep the owls as ornaments.

Buy For: her

6) For the Celebrations … Prosecco Ca'Rosa sparkling wine

Prosecco Ca'Rosa sparkling wine

A brilliant bottle of fizz that can be bought for a snip at around £8.99. Competes with some of the more expensive champagnes of the world, and many an Italian's favourite. Should you be willing to pay a bit more, British winemakers Bluebell Vineyards do champagne justice and bring the drink back to where it truly belongs – in the British Isles.

Buy For: her, the New Year's celebrations, and those who need to be steered off the Lambrini.

7) For those trying to stay as warm as possible … Owl Knitted Trapper Hat & Mittens Set by Next

Owl Knitted Trapper Hat & Mittens Set

This is an item that's meant to be for boys, but it could quite easily be worn by adults with a smaller frame. Frankly, this set will look great on anyone cute enough to pull it off. There does seems to be an owl theme running throughout this article.

Buy For: the smallest person in the company, those with young children.

8) For the messy person … Desktop Henry Vacuum Cleaner

Henry hoover for desks

There's guaranteed to be one person who leaves crumbs all over their desk, and this item is perfect for them. Henry has always made well-built, simple, decently-priced vacuum cleaners, and a bit of shopping around will land you the desktop version for under a tenner.

Buy For: him

9) For the puzzle addict … Sudokube


A great twist on the classic Rubik's Cube, using numbers instead of colours. Essential for the Sudoku-addict, and will keep them puzzled for days.

Buy For: him and her

10) For the gadget-head … 6-in-1 Utili-Key Multi-Tool by Swiss-Tech

6-in-1 Utili-Key Multi-Tool by Swiss-Tech

A Swiss-Army knife in a key that weighs around 14 grams and can be kept on a keyring. This gadget's tools include a mini jewellers’ screwdriver, flat-head screwdriver, Phillips screwdriver, bottle opener, serrated knife blade and flat knife blade. An excellent, very useful piece of kit.

Buy For: him