Office Romance: What to get your Office Crush this Valentine's Day

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We know how hard it may be to fancy someone you work closely with. Just how we specialise in providing the best office spaces, we also specialise in love. As Valentine's day is finally here, if your looking to impress your crush without embarrassing yourself, we have put together a little inspirational list of what you could get or do for your office crush today.

Of course just because it’s Valentine's day it doesn’t mean that you have to create a Romeo & Juliet love story. Do not overload your crush with presents at work. Try to keep it as simple and sweet as possible.

Write a ‘like’ letter instead of a ‘love’ letter:
Writing a love letter to your office crush may not actually be a good idea. Also imagine how creepy it may sound if you tell your crush that you are in love with them… Instead you should write a like letter. You will be able to express your feelings the same way, if you was writing a love letter but you wouldn’t make yourself sound like a cupid has hit you. Keep the letter short and sweet. Maybe make it more fun rather than making yourself sound too serious.

Get them some chocolates and card:
Some hershey kisses and a card can always do the job. Remember you're at your workplace and not school. If you have a feeling that the person may not like hershey's, you can always get them something that they do like and you have seen them get that treat before, that way it shows that you have analysed them as a person and have recognised what they seem to like. You could also write something in the card such as a poem or just a little quote.

Get them a teddy bear:
Me to You teddy bears always work. They sometimes come with mugs or other accessories, which can always be kept on the desk, that way they will be always reminded of you.

Get them a sweet treat:
Get them a cupcake or a brownie, to show them how sweet you think they are.

Make them a tea or a coffee:
To show your nice gesture on Valentine’s day, you can always make your crush a tea or a coffee. This doesn’t mean you should consistently ask them if they fancy a tea or a coffee or offer everyone to make them a tea or coffee because this could give the wrong message to everyone else and the only message you are trying to get across is to your crush that fancy them.

And remember if it doesn’t work out and you do end up embarrassing yourself, you can always find a new office space with Flexioffices.