Will Flattery Get You Everywhere?

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Climbing your way to the top of your company and maximizing your opportunities at work can be challenging. Taking the few extra steps to make sure that you stay on the right side of your boss can seem like the simple thing to do, but don’t be fooled. There are pros and cons to every professional relationship:


  • You’re the first to know what’s going on in the company; staying close to the people who are already ahead means that you get all the information well in advance of your peers: in house promotions, targets and goals, as well as hints on how to impress, are at your fingertips.

  • You may receive preferential treatment when it comes to your working hours. If you’re pally-pally with your boss then it can often be a little easier to get the holidays that you want, leave a little earlier when you have an important appointment and even avoid a good talking to if you’re late on the odd occasion.

  • Becoming a trusted employee can have all sorts of benefits, such as being trusted with more work and responsibilities. This can pad out your CV and help you get ahead more quickly.

  • Greater influence in decision making. Being a part of the management team and being able to have your voice heard can make you feel like you’re worth more, boost your confidence and maybe even change the way things work in your company. Just make sure that you don’t step on anyone’s toes when you give your input.



  • You’ll inevitably become less popular with the rest of your colleagues. Their envy of your close relationship can create a tense atmosphere and the boss’s attention may be seen as favouritism. You need to make the decision as to whether you prefer to get along with the boss, or be part of a relaxed working environment.

  • You can end up being taken advantage of, so be careful and make sure you know what your boss is capable of before you even start to suck up. Being a lap dog and having to run around clearing up the boss’s mess is no fun for anyone. It can be degrading and confidence shattering.

  • Sucking up can be potentially damaging to the team spirit. If your colleagues think that you’re going to run to the boss at a moment’s notice, there’s little chance that you’ll be included with anything. You might have to say goodbye to office lunches or just the occasional gossip; expect your colleagues to remove you from their team.

  • How will you know if advancements are made on merit? You may be the best person for the job and have all of the experience and qualifications that are needed for that all important promotion. But will you be satisfied if there’s a notion in the back of your mind that you achieved it by sucking up?