Study reveals SE1 as the hot spot for SMEs in London

Study reveals SE1 as the hot spot for SMEs in London

Rory, 19 December 2016

Flexioffices have recently conducted comprehensive research into the distribution of small to medium enterprises (SMEs) across London outcodes. SMEs were segmented based upon their sector, which allowed the study to compare the distribution of SMEs in each sector based on their outcode. The study used Flexioffices’ data from the past two years. A map of the sector-specific SME distribution h...

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The most irritating office behaviours in the UK (UK-wide survey results)

The most irritating office behaviours in the UK (UK-wide survey results)

ben.robson, 13 November 2014

Ever had a colleague with working habits that rub you up the wrong way? We've carried out a UK wide survey to find out which behaviours disp...

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