With our schedules as hectic as they are on a daily basis, healthy eating during office hours is often not a priority. However it is important to note that what you eat during the day doesn’t just affect our health and weight - it also impacts our productivity and energy levels too.
In order to perform at our best and to avoid the 3 o'clock biscuit craving, it is important that we fill our days with low-sugar, high protein foods. High-fat, high sugar snacks ultimately make us sleepy and less productive. A healthy diet is essential to the vitality and productivity of your work. Below we provide you with a few healthy and inexpensive alternatives to the chocolate bars and biscuits that we’re all guilty of reaching for in the office.
1. Nuts

Nuts are packed full of heart-healthy fats, protein, fibre, vitamins and minerals - making them the ideal snack to have in your office draw for when you get hunger cravings.
However remember that nuts should be consumed in moderation, be sure to go unsalted and unroasted if you’re seeking the best health benefits. Almonds are a great source of protein and contain healthy fat that is sure to satisfy your hunger. Cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts and pistachios are other great healthy alternatives - packed with protein and minerals.
2. Fresh fruit

If you’re seeking a healthy snack alternative, you can’t go wrong with fresh fruit. Slice up some berries and fruits in a tupperware container and simply pop it in the office fridge for a fresh, delicious and healthy mid morning snack. If you’re in a rush then why not grab an apple, orange or pear from the nearest supermarket.
Alternatively why not suggest organising a fresh fruit delivery straight to your office, to your boss and fellow employees. This will ultimately improve the productivity and health of your whole team.
3. Popcorn
For those of you seeking a sweet or salty snack, or maybe a mixture of both, popcorn is a great healthy option. Popcorn is high in fibre and low in calories, a very healthy munching at work option - as long as it’s not drenched in butter or sugar.
4. Apples and Peanut butter
This delicious healthy snack has become a health food bloggers favourite go to, and for good reason. The fresh apple contains fibre and carbohydrates for energy, whilst the healthy whole food peanut butter (or you can use almond butter) contains healthy fats and protein to conquer your hunger cravings.
5. Dried fruits and vegetables
Although fresh fruit and veg are the healthier option, not all of us have the time to purchase fresh fruit on a daily basis. Therefore a convenient alternative that is sweet, chewy and high in fibre are dried fruits and veggies. Dried peas, dried mango, dried pineapple, raisins - are just a few dried options that you can keep in your desk draw for a healthy energy boost during the day.
6. Protein bars
Protein bars are an extremely convenient snack, however ensure that you check the ingredients before purchasing as some bars can be packed with hundreds of calories. Pick one that contains fruits or nuts, as these are rich in protein and vitamins - but double check that it contains fewer than 200 calories.
Be careful with these! Some protein bars are packed with calories. Check the ingredients and make sure the one you pick has fruit, nuts and fewer than 200 calories.
7. Yogurt
Low or nonfat yogurt is a high source of protein and dietary calcium - making it the perfect healthy snack option. When buying a healthy yogurt, look out for the “good bacteria” and probiotic based yogurts - that offer protein, calcium and magnesium. If you’re looking to add some colour and flavour to your healthy yogurt snack - why not add some fresh strawberries, blueberries or raspberries.
8. Vegetables & Hummus
Although vegetables are more perishable than other snack

options mentioned above, they are the best things to munch on throughout the day. Vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, peppers and celery are extremely low in calories and will fill you up for the day. If you want to make your vegetable snack more inspiring then add hummus to the mix, this will boost protein and flavour to your healthy mid afternoon snack.
Remember that fueling your body with quality nutrition will increase energy levels, helping you feel more productive, and also stave off fatty and sugary cravings. We hope that our healthy alternatives outlined above will help you to take a smarter approach to deskside snacking.