5 easy ways to work fitness into your everyday routine

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It’s very easy to feel like as one part of your life begins to thrive, another aspect begins to slide. This doesn’t need to be the case when it comes to work and fitness. Believe it or not, no matter how busy you are at work, there is a way to incorporate fitness into your everyday routine!

Check out our top tips of how to fit exercise into your working day:

The early bird catches the worm

Even though you may resent this suggestion, it’s true, getting up just half an hour earlier can make all the difference and give you just enough time to get a workout in before work. Start with stretches and some yoga-inspired exercises to warm up before ramping it up a level to incorporate some abdominal crunches, leg raises, squats and plank. These exercises are quick and easy to do at home and are great for improving your core strength and posture.

Ditch the tube

Instead of sitting on the bus for twenty minutes or being crushed up against a stranger for six stops on the tube, why not utilise this time for exercising and run or cycle to or from work? This is a great way to fit exercise into your routine without having to take time out from your working day. As well as the money you’ll save from ditching public transport, running or cycling to or from work is a fantastic stress-buster and releases endorphins leaving you feeling positive and relaxed. According to a survey by British Cycling (2016), over two million people across the UK cycle at least once a week, so you’re in good company!

Take the stairs

Swapping the lift for the stairs at work is one of the most simple changes you can make to your everyday routine. Walking briskly or jogging up the stairs is a great way to burn calories and get your heart pumping without even having to think about it. You won’t have to engage in awkward small talk with coworkers as you wait for the lift either!

Swap unhealthy lunches for crunches

Using your lunch break to wolf down a sandwich and a packet of crisps is hardly the most rewarding or enjoyable way to spend your lunchtime. Instead, why not use this time to hit the gym, take a fitness class nearby or even go on a long walk around the city. A number of gyms offer high intensity fitness classes such as spin, boxing, cardio intervals and treadmill workouts lasting anywhere from 25 minutes to an hour, that take place during lunchtime hours. Working out in your lunch hour will leave you brimming with energy, the perfect way to beat the post-lunch productivity low.

Teamwork makes the dream work

If you struggle to motivate yourself, or hate going to classes alone, starting up or joining an office sports team could be the answer you’re looking for. Not only is it a way to for everyone to socialise and keep fit, it’s also brilliant for boosting team morale and beating the office blues.